
Just the chance to put my random thoughts out there

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Location: conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been in the folk music world for 40+ years and play guitar and some other instruments. I ride a 1970 650 triumph motorcycle.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Marking time

The other day a friend said to me that she was just marking time. She had finished her work here on earth and life was basically over. I cant see her point of view and I just cant even begin to let my self think this way. I belief that one stage only leads to another. For example having kids then leads to the need to help raise the grand children the family today needs to be multigenerational to pass on the life skills that will be needed to keep this world running. Our life does not end when our kids move out. I will never understand why anyone would not want to find a new reason to live. The loss of a friend or a loved one can make it seem fruitless to continue but the primal urge to be of value to the world shouldn't be extigushed. I am here to bring some good to my friends and by doing things for my friends I have been given the gift of their thanks and friendship. The good things that I give to my friends thru my work and help leave them with reminders every day that I love and care about them. The time we all spend on this earth is valuable let us not ever believe that we are just marking time till we die.


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