
Just the chance to put my random thoughts out there

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Location: conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been in the folk music world for 40+ years and play guitar and some other instruments. I ride a 1970 650 triumph motorcycle.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Over time

Over time I have learned that all the work of raising children can not even begin to match the joy of watching as they grow. Hope and Suzi have been able to show me this in a number of ways. Yesterday Suzi asked if she could help with the dishes and Hope helped clear the table. I don't know where they got the idea I never asked for help but it sure was nice. I know I can not expect them to always be neat and clean but I have A small chance of encouraging them to be if I just don't nag them too much. I guess I must be doing something right in the way Im parenting them right now. I just had to put down in words how much what they did meant to me


Blogger Temair said...

Why wouldn't I be interested in Dylan if he was single? That's a good question...I have no idea. Logically, I should be (and you never know...if the situation ever presented itself, i just might be), but for whatever reason, I think that if he WAS ever single (which I can't see him being any time soon), I just wouldn't love him like THAT. And I'm not sure what the other part of your question was. All I can say is that we are both here at Fox and we are good friends and that's IT. Why we are friends I don't know...We've actually discussed that we realy shouldn't like eachother because we are SO different, but we do and that's how it is. I don't know if that fully answers your question or not, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask some more and I'll answer as best I can.

11:48 PM  

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