For what it is worth
I am starting to feel that there is something wrong in the way we as a people deal with the rest of the world. A new intern at the studio where I have my shop bowed to me the other day. YES bowed, she is from Japan and felt I was due that respect. I also notices that she was very put off by foul language and some of the conversation in the studio. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her because outward expressions of admiration for a person in a supervisory position or being submissive in our society are not understood. They are seen as being weak, and it is so internal for her to be this way that I fear that she will not understand when I try to explain this. What bothers me more I think it that I am not more like her. I would like to be more able to control the situation and offend less. I don't think Im ready to bow politely as I leave the room but ....
Just a thought.
Just a thought.