
Just the chance to put my random thoughts out there

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Location: conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been in the folk music world for 40+ years and play guitar and some other instruments. I ride a 1970 650 triumph motorcycle.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Weddings and other news

Im going to be in an old friends wedding this week. My friend mike is getting hitched and in a othodox Jewish wedding too. Im one of the groomsmen. I don't really like the idea of getting into a tux and doing all that getting cleaned up entails but I guess I have to. I also found out this week that Ill be busy as a beaver for the next month and a half doing to big jobs for a company called agi. I now am in the situation of having too much work and need to find some help that wont steal my clients. I know that work is good but why does it always come in such large lumps that I have to risk my health to get the jobs finished on time? Ah well I hope that this post finds all of my friends well and that the weekend of the 4th is a good one for you and your families. Ill be back on Monday and Ill let you all know how the wedding went.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Quite the week

I didn't want to post this till it happened but.. I got to work with Bob Dylan this week. Good grief I was a busy boy. Much to clean and fix in the studio for the past few days and then the band gear arrived at 8am on Friday and we were off to the race. It took about 4 hours to get the gear in and set then a few of the band members arrived. As Tommy was unpacking dylans guitars he was letting me have a bit of a rush by playing them and checking out what instruments he had out with him. A nice collection of newer guitars none were from the early days. Too bad. The big man showed up at 4:00 and for then next 8 hours they went at it recording a cover of a apcarter song. I must say that it was a thrill to meet a folk hero of mine not that he talks to anyone much but I did get to say hello. So much for my brush with fame. Yes he still sounds the same and he is very much the singer he was in the 60s and 70s and I still have many things I would have wanted to ask him about but he is a very quiet and private man and it was just not the time or play to do that. No pics not autographs just a memory to keep for a long time and to remember playing bob dylans guitars.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

After the gig

Well things went well for the most part. It was almost 90 degrees out and the humidity was just about as bad by the time the show started. I was set and ready to roll on both stages by 10am I was real happy about that. My sister who gave me her van for the day let me use her easy up tent to cover the house desk. By noon I was real glad she did I was mixing the show for a punk band and the sweat was just rolling off me but the worst was yet to come. All of the equipment worked great the sound by all accounts was the best that they had there in the 10 years of the event. Needless to say Ill be back next year for the event and many folks wanted to know why I wasn't out doing more of this. I will explain that now! The show ended at 4:45 on the schedule but we ran a little over so at 5:00 with the sun still at full I started to put the stuff back in the truck. It was hot and I was moving at a snails pace so as not to have a stroke it took me with some help on the lifting a good hour and 15 min to put all the equipment back in the truck. I was drenched. I was also beet red. I got back to the house and showered then had a quick bite to eat and went back into the soup to unload the truck. After an additional hour of huffing and puffing it was all back in the garage. I won the war I think but boy was I beat. Im not as young as I used to be. My kids had a great time there and so did my wife it was the first time my kids had seen my pa out of the garage. My oldest said she didn't know I had so much stuff(truth be told there were my big boxes still in the garage) and she thought it was fun to be at my show. Ill try to post a picture tomm I have to go cook dinner now. Yeah I still want to play with my toys I guess I need to hire some help to do it though.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Gig day

Its early too early and the van is packed. I haven't done a sound gig with my equipment in a very long time. Hell yes Im nervous I think I have all the stuff I need but it has been a real long time. Why did I say yes to the job I don't know. I just did and now Im stuck with it. It is not that I haven't done sound I have taken work for PVA and used their stuff to do shows but this was too small a budget to give it to them and make some money for me. It is right around the block from my house. I know I can come back here and get some more stuff if I really need to. Boy that would be a blow I have packed for gigs for almost 20 years and I can imagine having to go back to the shop to get stuff that would be so bush league. Oh well I better go and eat and see if I can get to the park on time. I still cant believe that Im worried about this. Oh well better get off to the race. You all have a good rest of your weekend and Ill let you know how this gig turns out later.