
Just the chance to put my random thoughts out there

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Location: conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been in the folk music world for 40+ years and play guitar and some other instruments. I ride a 1970 650 triumph motorcycle.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tim Hart dies

We have lost a great source in the world of music. Tim Hart was one of the founding memebers of Steeleye span. Irish trad rock has lost a great man. RIP


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Speaking up

I dont like to speak on this because my view is not popular but here I go. I am tired of hearing about Israel returning land it won during the war for peace with the Arabs, Jews were not allowed to be at their most holy sites when the Arabs held them and now that the Israelites hold their holy sites they have access. It is unreasonable for the world to think that the Jews will hand over these sites to the Arabs again with the history that is not in dispute about access. I do not have a solution but I do believe that when a country is attacked the land gained or lost is a spoil of war and to the victor goes the spoils, I do not think that the property stolen from the Jews in Germany have been returned, there is are in collections thruout the world from cultures taken after war are they to be returned to their country's of origin. Peace is good but only if it is not forced in a framework that will not either end the attacks by those who wish the destruction of Israel or the ability of all religions to worship at their holy sites, at this moment Jews and gentile, Muslims and non believers can visit all the holy and historic sites this is true and good. I wish I had a solution but I don't but the status as it is seems to be a situation that everyone needs to back up and think more about, because just yelling about the 67 borders is not going to be productive.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

amost Christmas

Well, It is almost here and my kids just cant wait. I can. The rush of work and shopping and running from inlaws to parent and back is exhausting. Who said we need to do it all and now just didn't get the idea of having a life and a family. Ok I know that it is this way for everyone and I am just being a Grinch, but hey ITS MY BIRTHDAY and I don't get a minute of time to enjoy it!

Have a great Christmas and a happy new years
