Weddings and other news
Im going to be in an old friends wedding this week. My friend mike is getting hitched and in a othodox Jewish wedding too. Im one of the groomsmen. I don't really like the idea of getting into a tux and doing all that getting cleaned up entails but I guess I have to. I also found out this week that Ill be busy as a beaver for the next month and a half doing to big jobs for a company called agi. I now am in the situation of having too much work and need to find some help that wont steal my clients. I know that work is good but why does it always come in such large lumps that I have to risk my health to get the jobs finished on time? Ah well I hope that this post finds all of my friends well and that the weekend of the 4th is a good one for you and your families. Ill be back on Monday and Ill let you all know how the wedding went.